Portugal has a high risk of female circumcision
The World Health Organisation has classified Portugal as ‘high risk’ for practice of female genital mutilation due to the large number of immigrants from countries like Guinea-Bissau where the custom is widespread, an expert said this week.
Is the War against female genital mutilation winnable asks Cocorioko?
Sierra Leone is a signatory to numerous international treaties and conventions condemning physical torture, discrimination and harmful traditional practices. But our laws are silent on this FGM thing. One thing we are to know is that no amount of awareness raising sensitization will suffice to end the practice held so defensively by majority of the people, in the absence of laws prohibiting it.
Journalists forced to strip after being attacked by women's group
Four female journalists were attacked by a pro-female genital mutilation (FGM) group on Monday and forced to stip naked and walk through the centre of Kenema, a town in the eastern part of the country. The four women were accused of reporting on an anti-FGM campaign last Friday, which marked the international day of tolerance for zero circumcision.
1 comment:
I am a journalist from Columbia College Chicago. I am currently working on an article about female circumcision in Central Africa.
I am still in the research phase, but I was hoping I could set up an interview with someone with an African perspective on the issue. Would you be willing to answer a few email questions?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you
Katherine Grandstrand
Columbia College Chicago
Graduate Journalism Student
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